How You Can Start a Career at O’Charley’s

How You Can Start a Career at O'Charley's

Questions and answers about O’Charley’s Hiring Process. Many companies use online assessments to screen candidates. Make sure you ask your HR recruiter if you will be expected to take a test. If so, which assessment company provides it, and what is the name of the test?

  • How long does it take for HR to approve a job offer?
  • How long is the hiring process?
  • How long does it take to make a hiring decision?
  • What are the signs that you will be hired after an interview?
  • What should I wear to an interview at O Charley’s?
  • What are the 10 common interview questions and answers?
  • How can I pass O’Charley’s interview exam?
  • Can you wear jeans in an interview?
  • Is it OK to wear jeans to a restaurant interview?

O’Charley’s is a casual dining restaurant chain with more than 200 locations. O’Charley’s is located in 17 States.
Headquarters: Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Founded: 1971
Number of locations: 200
Parent organizations: American Blue Ribbon Holdings, O’Charley’s
Subsidiaries: 99 Restaurants LLC, MORE

The interview process

Interviewing is an important step in the employee selection process. the interview enables the employer to determine if the candidate will be selected for the position.

  1. Hiring Process
  2. Searching for a Job
  3. Applying for Positions
  4. assessment test
  5. Hiring Manager Interviews
  6. Job Offers
  7. Start your first day

Resume expert review

You compete with many candidates, and it is important that someone go through your resume and cover letter to increase your chances of getting hired at O’Charley’s

Get a free CV review

Employment Assessment Test Practice

Applying to the O’Charley’s but unsure of what kind of testing to expect? As you can imagine, the process can vary greatly depending on the position you are looking to fill. Also, depending on your location, some branches may include additional evaluations.

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O’Charley’s looking for great team members to show A Passion for Serving. Learn more about career opportunities and open job positions to find your fit


Please have a look at our open positions below

  • Server
  • Host / Hostess
  • Bartender
  • Line Cook
  • Prep Cook
  • Dishwasher


  • General Manager
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Kitchen Manager
  • Support Center

Questions and answers about O’Charley’s Hiring Process

  • Does O’Charley’s pay weekly? – Yes, you get paid weekly
  • Does O’Charley’s do background checks? – Gnarly O’Charley’s Restaurant does do background checks
  • What age does O’Charley’s hire? The Minimum Age to Work at O’Charley’s is 18 years old

Job interview questions

How to Answer the Most Common Interview Questions.

While there are as many different possible interview questions as there are interviewers, it always helps to be ready for anything.

  1. Why Do You Want This Job?
  2. Why Should We Hire You?
  3. What Are Your Greatest Strengths?
  4. What was most rewarding about your job?
  5. How long do you expect to work for this company?
  6. What Do You Consider to Be Your Weaknesses?
  7. What Is Your Greatest Professional Achievement?
  8. What things give you the greatest satisfaction at work?
  9. Tell me about the toughest decision you had to make.
  10. Tell Me About a Time You Demonstrated Leadership Skills.

Being thoroughly prepared can enhance your confidence and help alleviate test anxiety.

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