Gallup Assessment

gallup asessment StrengthsFinder practice cliftonstrengths assessment free

The StrengthsFinder assessment measures an individual’s natural tendencies in 34 different strengths domains, such as strategic thinking, communication, and empathy. The results of the assessment provide individuals with insights into their areas of greatest potential and help them understand how they can apply their strengths in their personal and professional lives.

What should I expect in a Gallup Assessment? Learn how many stages are involved in the assessment and find all the information to help you pass and understand the test successfully.

  • What is the Gallup assessment?
  • How do I prepare for a Gallup assessment?
  • What is the Gallup strength test?
  • How long is the Gallup Strengths Test?
  • What is the Gallup personality test?
  • How many questions are in the StrengthsFinder assessment?

With the Gallup Strengthsfinder test online, you will find better candidates for the role they will be more engaged and productive at work.

About Gallup

Gallup is an American analytics and advisory company based in Washington, D.C., Founded by George Gallup. Gallup helps companies to find and determine the best candidate for their role by their personality tools.

Types of Gallup assessments often used in a job context:

  1. CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder): Though commonly used for professional development of existing employees, it can also be employed in a hiring context to identify the natural talents and working styles of candidates.
  2. Q12 Employee Engagement Survey: While this is generally used for existing employees, some companies use the principles behind the Q12 to frame interview questions or to set expectations for job candidates about the company’s culture.
  3. Talent-based Hiring Assessments: Gallup develops customized assessments for organizations to gauge the suitability of candidates for specific roles. These could include situational judgment tests, personality assessments, or skills-based tests.
  4. Leadership Assessments: For higher-level positions, Gallup offers assessments designed to identify leadership qualities and potential.
  5. Customer-Facing Role Assessments: For roles that involve customer interaction like sales or customer service, Gallup has specific assessments to measure aptitude and approach toward customer engagement.

CliftonStrengths Assessment

The CliftonStrengths assessment is widely used in various settings, including personal development, career planning, team building, and organizational development. It has been praised for helping individuals gain self-awareness and better understand how to leverage their talents in their personal and professional lives.

The assessment is based on a general model of Positive Psychology.
You have 20 seconds to answer each question given pair of descriptors before the assessment automatically presents the next pair.

How It Works:

  1. Assessment: The assessment usually consists of a series of statements that you’ll need to rank according to how closely they align with your own behaviors and feelings. The test is designed to be taken quickly, encouraging your gut-level responses.
  2. Top 5 Strengths: After completing the assessment, you receive a personalized report detailing your “Top 5” strengths out of a possible list of 34 talent themes. These are the strengths you naturally exhibit and can develop further. Some versions of the assessment will provide insight into all 34 strengths.
  3. Strengths Categories: The 34 strengths are sorted into four categories:
    • Executing: Ability to make things happen
    • Influencing: Ability to take charge and lead
    • Relationship Building: Ability to establish strong relationships
    • Strategic Thinking: Ability to analyze and think critically
  4. Personalized Report: Along with the list of your Top 5 strengths, you’ll typically receive a personalized report that provides a detailed explanation of each strength, along with some recommendations for how to further develop and use these strengths in various aspects of your life.
  5. Action Planning: Some versions of the CliftonStrengths assessment also include action planning guides or tools to help you set goals and make plans that align with your strengths.

Clifton StrengthsFinder Sample Questions

Strongly describes me Neutral Strongly describes me

I want people to appreciate me; I want people to respect me

Strongly describes me Neutral Strongly describes me

I am a person who behaves according to my beliefs. I am a person who cares what people say about me.

Online personality assessment practice test

Clifton strengths list

The most common strengths in StrengthsFinder


More Common StrengthsFinder Test Sample Questions

The CliftonStrengths Online assessment (formerly known as StrengthsFinder) consists of situational questions or statements that you’re required to rank based on how well they resonate with you.

  1. I am a sensitive person; I am a logical person.
  2. The things I like best about myself areץ
  3. I was fearful of being proud or arrogant.
  4. I accept many types of people.
  5. I was in a position or role that didn’t fit my talents.
  6. My view of humanity guides my life; My ambition guides my life.
  7. I enjoy giving recognition; I enjoy receiving recognition.
  8. What I enjoy doing the most.
  9. The best time in my life was.
  10. My most fulfilling experience was
  11. The best job or project I ever had was.
  12. I didn’t see how my talents would help me reach my goals.

Free Questions and Answers

Here are some questions and answers regarding the Gallup Assessment:

Q: What is the Gallup Assessment? A: The Gallup Assessment is a psychological test used to evaluate an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall personality traits. It is often used as a tool for organizational development and career counseling.

Q: What are the benefits of taking the Gallup Assessment? A: Taking the Assessment can provide valuable insights into one’s personal strengths, areas for improvement, and natural tendencies. This information can be useful for career development, personal growth, and identifying potential areas of fit within a workplace.

Q: How is the Gallup Assessment administered? A: The Gallup Assessment is typically administered online and takes about 30-45 minutes to complete. It consists of a series of multiple-choice questions designed to assess various aspects of an individual’s personality and behavior.

Q: Is the Gallup Assessment reliable and valid? A: The Gallup Assessment has been shown to have good reliability and validity in scientific studies. However, as with any psychological test, it is important to consider the limitations and potential biases inherent in the testing process.

Q: How can the results of the Gallup Assessment be used? A: The results of the Gallup Assessment can help individuals understand their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for personal and professional development, and find a career or work environment that is well-suited to their natural tendencies and abilities. Organizations can also use the results to build stronger teams and improve overall performance.