Interview & Assessment at Harsco

Interview & Assessment at Harsco

Are you preparing for an upcoming job interview? Don’t make the mistake of coming to your interview or pre-employment assessment test unprepared.

Harsco Corporation is a global industrial company based in Camp Hill,
The world’s leading steelmakers, rail companies, and energy producers
Headquarters: Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, United States
Number of employees: 11,000
Founded: 1853
Subsidiaries: Harsco Technologies

Stages of the Hiring Process

During the hiring process, a human resources manager will use the following steps to determine the best possible fit for the job:

  1. Find your Job
  2. Upload your resume & cover letter
  3. Confirmation email
  4. Selection process
  5. HR Interview
  6. Pre-employment Assessments
  7. Hiring Manager Interviews
  8. Job Offers

Pre-Employment Assessment Test Practice

The Assessment at Harsco is an important step in the employee selection process. The purpose of the assessment is to determine whether a candidate will be selected for the position.

The assessment is basically an online test like job tasks, problem-solving, work history questionnaire, simulation scenarios, and work-style questionnaire.

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Learn more about career opportunities and open job positions to find your fit

Making an impact at Harsco

Common Interview Questions

Interview questions and answers you need to know

  1. How do others describe you?
  2. Do you take work home with you?
  3. Do you consider yourself to be thoughtful, and analytical?
  4. What were some of the things about the last job that you found most difficult for you?
  5. What Type of Work Environment Do You Prefer?
  6. What makes you uncomfortable?
  7. What made you apply for this position?
  8. What kind of things do you feel most confident in doing?
  9. Tell me about your education.
  10. What kind of problems has people recently called on you to solve?
  11. What kind of people do you find most difficult to work with and why?
  12. How much do you expect to get paid?
  13. Do you take work home with you?