Westchester Police Exam

Westchester Police Exam

To be considered for a position within the Westchester Police Department, you must first pass an exam. Once you’ve passed, you will be put within a pool of eligible hires, who then must go through an interview process to secure employment.

The police officer exam is usually only given once every four years. Luckily, that means there is likely plenty of time to study and get ready for the exam. Individuals who pass the written exam will be required to pass psychological screening and medical and physical agility standards.

Police Assessment

The police assessment is a multiple-choice exam. No special knowledge of law enforcement is required. Instead, it is an aptitude test that will test your abilities to retain information related to the job and perform job-related duties.

The exam consists of 7 subject areas:

  1. Language fluency
  2. Information ordering and language sequencing
  3. Problem sensitivity & reasoning
  4. Selective attention
  5. Visualization
  6. Spatial Orientation
  7. Situational Judgment

An example of a test task in the language fluency question would be reading a brief passage and being asked to select the choice that best summarizes it in a single sentence. This tests your ability to read and understand training materials, laws, policies, etc. It is also making sure you can communicate through writing.

Exam Preparation

The best way to prepare for the Westchester Police Exam is to purchase practice tests to help prepare you for how you’ll perform on test day. Make sure to time yourself while you take the practice tests. This creates an environment more similar to the test you’ll be taking, and it helps identify areas where you should strengthen your knowledge. Once you’re aware of how you can improve, you can access study guides and video tutorials to help you better understand any of the areas you were struggling in.

Keep using those practice tests while you study to get a practical awareness of the questions that will be asked on exam day and how you’re expected to answer.

Online Police practice test