NYC Sanitation Test Preparation

NYC Sanitation Test Preparation

The NYC Sanitation Exam happens only every 4-6 years. The exam is fairly competitive, and you will need to score high to start working with the sanitation department as soon as possible.

To be considered for employment, you’ll first need to pass an aptitude test. The higher you score, the more quickly you will be considered for a job with the department of sanitation.

Sanitation Assessment

The NYC Sanitation Exam is a paper and pencil, multiple-choice question exam. To pass the exam, a minimum score of 70 is required. The sanitation exam consists of seven sections, each of which will test your aptitude in a certain area of your potential future job.

  • Written comprehension – deciphering information from a passage of text
  • Written expression – communicating effectively through writing
  • Problem sensitivity – identifying a problem and its logical solution
  • Deductive reasoning – applying logic to a scenario
  • Information ordering – following a specific sequence of events
  • Spatial orientation – properly assessing your surroundings
  • Remembering Facts and Information Tests
  • Visualization – visualize what an object will look like after a transformation.

Once you’ve taken the exam, your scores are ranked from highest to lowest. You are considered for employment in this order.

Exam Preparation

The best way to prepare for the NYC Sanitation Exam is to access practice tests because they will help you understand how you’ll perform in the actual environment on test day. Make sure to time yourself while you take the practice tests, so you can make sure you’re able to complete the test on time and also identify areas where you should strengthen your knowledge. Once you’re aware of how you can improve, you can access study guides and video tutorials to help you better understand any of the areas you were struggling in.

 Keep using those practice tests while you study to get a practical awareness of the questions that will be asked on exam day and how you’re expected to answer.

Start practice today and improve your hiring chances

Online Civil Service practice test