SHL Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning

SHL Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning

SHL is a company that provides aptitude tests for use in the recruitment and selection process.

SHL Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning are two types of cognitive ability tests that are commonly used in recruitment and selection processes.

Inductive reasoning tests assess a candidate’s ability to identify patterns, make generalizations, and form conclusions based on limited information. They measure a candidate’s ability to identify logical relationships and use this information to solve problems.

Deductive reasoning tests assess a candidate’s ability to use logic and reason to solve problems. They measure a candidate’s ability to apply rules and principles to specific situations, and to draw conclusions based on the information provided.

Test TypeTopics CoveredTime Limit
Inductive ReasoningIdentifying patterns and relationships20-25 minutes
Deductive ReasoningApplying logical reasoning to solve problems30-35 minutes
Topics Covered

Both inductive and deductive reasoning tests are commonly used in recruitment processes for roles that require problem solving, critical thinking, and decision-making skills. By using these tests, employers can assess a candidate’s ability to think logically and make informed decisions, which can be important skills in many types of jobs.

Inductive reasoning examples

Inductive reasoning is the process of drawing general conclusions from specific examples or observations. Here are a few examples of inductive reasoning:

  1. Observing that a number of apples from a certain tree are all red, and concluding that all apples from that tree are red.
  2. Noticing that it has been raining every day for the past week, and concluding that it will probably rain tomorrow.
  3. Observing that all of the birds seen so far in a certain area have been blue, and concluding that all birds in that area are blue.
  4. Noticing that every time you turn on the kitchen light, the TV turns off, and concluding that turning on the kitchen light causes the TV to turn off.
  5. Observing that a particular brand of car has a high rate of mechanical problems, and concluding that all cars made by that brand are unreliable.

Exam Preparation

The best way to prepare for either of these exams is through practice tests that will expose you to the exact types of questions you’ll be expected to answer on the day of the actual test. When taking these practice assessments, make sure that you time yourself so that you can understand how you would perform in an environment similar to that which you will be put under when you take the real assessment.

  1. Take practice tests: There are many online resources that offer practice tests for SHL Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning tests. Taking these practice tests can help you get a feel for the types of questions that you’ll be asked and how to approach them.
  2. Review the instructions: Make sure you understand the instructions for each test before you begin. This will help you avoid mistakes and ensure that you’re answering the questions correctly.
  3. Practice your timing: SHL Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning tests are timed, so it’s important to practice your timing to ensure that you’re able to complete the test within the given time frame. Set a timer and practice completing questions within the time limit.
  4. Focus on accuracy: While timing is important, it’s also crucial to focus on accuracy. Make sure you’re answering each question to the best of your ability and double-check your answers before moving on to the next question.
  5. Learn from your mistakes: Review your practice test results and identify areas where you need to improve. Focus on these areas in your future practice sessions to help you build your skills and increase your confidence.

Once you understand your performance, you’ll see where you can improve! Invest in several practice tests to keep you on your toes and expose you to as many potential example questions as possible.

Online SHL assessment practice test