Republic Services Hiring Process

Questions and answers about working at republic services.

The interview process is a multi-stage process for hiring new employees. Every company wants to reduce the time it takes to hire new talent.

  • What should I expect in an assessment interview?
  • How do you prepare for an assessment interview?
  • Does Republic Service hire felons?
  • What is the difference between an assessment and an interview?
  • What is an interview assessment form?

Republic Services is an industry leader in U.S. non-hazardous recycling and solid waste collection and energy services.

Hiring Process

  1. Application – Create Your Profile
  2. Find your Job
  3. Selection process
  4. HR Interview
  5. Pre-employment Assessments
  6. Hiring Manager Interviews
  7. Job Offers
  8. Start your first day

Employment Assessment Test Republic Services

Assessment tests are designed to get an insight into your personal and professional background.
These tests can take a number of forms, such as a panel interview, software/skills assessment, case study, written test, or timed assignment.

Aptitude tests, Numerical, verbal


Customer Service$15-17/hr
Residential Driver$19-20/hr

Open position 1,000+
Number of employees: more than 35,000
Headquarters: Phoenix, Arizona, United States

General Manager Acceleration Program
Available to MBAs with previous leadership experience

MBA Internship Program
Internships are placed in their locations for 10-12 weeks throughout the summer.

Interview & Question

  1. How do they drug test? Around the time of your hire date
  2. How much does Republic Services pay their drivers? Services Driving salaries $40,000
  3. What does a garbage truck driver make? Garbage truck driver is about $40,000
  4. How much do Waste Management drivers get paid? Garbage Truck Driver’s salary is $19.

View all positions at Republic Services

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